Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Feng Swhat? An Introduction to Feng Shui and Home Decorating

Obviously you have come to this page to find out about this home decorating application known as Feng Shui. The significance to interior design is beneficial but it's not as much about design tools as it is about a life style of beliefs and related actions.

Though unfamiliar to our Western culture it has been practiced in the Eastern hemisphere for thousands of years and is far more profound than the oversimplification we are applying here.

The most basic foundational energy source within Feng Shui is the Yin and Yang of 5 Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water which is believed to be universal energy that runs through in and around everything and everyone.

The center belief of those who practice Feng Shui is one of understanding this balance of energy in all areas of life. By practicing its disciplines you will not only be decorating your home but directing life energy that will increase wealth, improve health, and enjoy peace in your intimate relationships.

Some would consider this a form of religion - others a spiritual discipline. As you read through this page you decide. Certainly, Frugal is not attempting to instruct but rather to introduce you to the home design principles found within the study of Feng Shui.

Let's start by defining Chi Energy - the Feng Shui energy that moves amongst all objects. There are 2 main types:

Sheng Chi Energy - The positive energy. This is the good, healthy, positive energy. Happiness abounds within and without. You feel organized, light and airy. Fresh flowers, fresh air, bright cheerful sunshine is a good image for Sheng Chi energy.

Sha Chi Energy - When everything seems to be going wrong and the dominate mood is one of anger, unhappiness or lethargy. You feel ill more times than not and nature seems bland and lifeless. Friends and family appear gloomy and discouraging.

Within these 2 main identifying energies the primary goal of Feng Shui is to attract the Sheng Chi into our lives much like a magnet to metal.

To do this we now need to introduce a few magnetic forces that are believed to be within the home design arena.

Doors - the placement, color, condition, direction of opening, size and style all affect the levels of Chi in your home.

Plants - Using dried flowers of any sort is a strong magnet for Sha Chi (negative energy). Use only fresh or live plants throughout your home. Never use a cactus as an accent, It is believed to be the most "unlucky" of plants.

Live in Your Rooms - rooms designated for only special occasions build unused stagnate energy and can counteract the more positive spaces in your home. "Dead energy" can exert a bad influence and can cause illness to the people who live there.

Mirrors - placement of mirrors within your home needs to be considered carefully. For example, a mirror should never be placed in a bed room - it interferes with restful sleep. On the other hand it can place in a small foyer to create more space a light. Perfect for dining area or foyer.

Organize and Declutter - Everything in your home should serve a purpose and be in good working order. Too much stuff and the energy cannot flow easily. Chipped dishes, burned out light bulbs, repair and replace or your energy resources are draining away.

Keep The Bathroom Door Closed and the Toilet Lid Down - Believe it or not this is one of the most important rules to having and keeping wealth. The Chinese believe you literally flush your wealth away when you do not keep your toilet lid down or your bathroom door closed!

Get a Pet! Pets move around and help circulate the energy. Any healthy living animal: dogs, cats birds, goldfish brings good energy into a home. But, if you don't take the time to treat them properly - then it will attract Sha Chi.

Use Water Fountains or A Fish Tank - This elixir to all life is a huge magnet for attaining wealth. Place a small bubbling up fountain in your home office - it's sure to bring success!

Avoid Art that suggests Unhappiness or Aloneness - Place pictures that have more than one person or animal. Solitary trees and flowers are to be avoided over landscapes and floral arrangements. Think life, companionship and sharing depicted in your wall accents.

Now that you have an idea as to the surface elements of Feng Shui understand this is just the "tip of the iceberg" and to truly benefit from these lifestyle designs one must incorporate the more comprehensive aspects of this discipline and applications of the energy sources listed above.

Along with energy that flows around us, it is also believed we possess a luck Kua number and a predominate direction of East or West which powerfully influences the positive experience in our lives. The position of our rooms - the placement of furniture - our wall color - the accents we choose all significantly influence the energy in our homes.

To summarize, at the risk of gross oversimplification, Feng Shui is the embracing of all that is vibrant, alive and fresh and cleansing from all that suggests confusion, darkness, depression and death.

Feng Shui fits perfectly to the needs and aspirations of every heart that desires to make a house a home. Regardless of how deeply you believe the spiritual aspects,the benefits found in its application are self evident.

Life over Death - Love over Hate - Peace over Conflict - Who can argue with that?

Sue Krippner is a Free Lance Artist, Home Staging and Redesign Professional. She is attracted to "all things beautiful, especially as it relates to interior decorating and design.
Visit to see samples of her art and find plenty of professional design, tips hints and secrets to help facilitate your personal interior design goals with money saving frugal flair.

Hole In Shingle Siding

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