A lot of people today are saving a ton of money on their electric bill by creating their own electricity. There is volumes of information available online to help you create your own home wind power. You can do a Google search for diy wind power, or a similar term that describes creating your own electricity from wind power.
You will find dozens of websites that offer you a downloadable instruction kit, with resources for parts and supplies included. Make sure which ever one you choose offers at least a full 60 day money back guarantee. Also know that you should not have to spend more than fifty or sixty bucks to get a good instruction kit, with online video tutorials as well as pdf instructions.
Two things that are very important to know before you get to far into a home built wind generator power system for your residence.
Very important: You may need a permit from your city or county. In some areas, this may require submitting plans, including drawings and details about the wind turbine system you are planning to install. Check with Department of Building Inspection and the Department of Planning for your city or county.
This is an important step, especially if you are planning on connecting to the grid. You absolutely cannot connect any type of power generating system directly into the wiring of your home without the proper permits. It is a matter of safety for you and for the utility company employees that service your area.
Connecting to the public power grid. Connecting your wind power to the public power grid allows you to qualify for net metering in many areas. Net metering measures the excess power you create, directs it into the local power grid and...the power company pays you!
You really can save hundreds of dollars annually by creating your own home built wind generator power For help in determining where to find good sound advice, for an easy to follow, do-it-yourself instruction kit, go to http://www.windsolarhouse.com/blog
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