When you first begin article writing, it can take a while before you see any signs that your articles are working, that your articles are effective. But whatever the case, you should continue with your article writing and keep an eye out for the following signs that demonstrate that your articles are effective. If you are looking for speedy signals to your article writing, then you might need to become more aggressive with your writing. By that, I mean you may need to increase the quantity of articles that you create on a weekly basis.
So some of the signs to look out for that indicate and demonstrate that your articles are effective are as follows:
1. Your list is increasing in size. Has your list increased in size since two to three days ago? It is important that your list increases in size on a daily basis. If your list is getting bigger, then that would demonstrate that your articles are indeed very effective.
2. Can you identify the individuals who are signing up to your list? By that I mean can you see the individual names and e-mail addresses? This will prove to be very important in the future because you will need to create a relationship with most of the people on your list. Nevertheless, if you can identify individuals, then this demonstrates, again, that your articles are effective.
3. Can you manipulate your conversion rates? By that I mean can you identify the number of people who not only click to read your article but then also click to sign up as a subscriber? If you can monitor your conversion rates, then you have the ability to dramatically improve and increase all of your numbers, i.e. the numbers of people that read your articles, the numbers that sign up as subscribers and the numbers that then go on to make purchases from your website.
If you are just beginning with article writing, then having proof that your articles are being effective can be very important to you. The above three signs should indicate to you that your article writing is proven to be effective. By manipulating your numbers, you can dramatically increase your sales.
Do you want to learn more about article writing to build your list?
Download my free ebook here: Article Writing for Profit
Janet B Cole is a powerful coach and online mentor. She has over 400 articles in print and has published several ebooks.
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