Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article Writing Tips - How to Avoid Burnout

Okay, you're really into this article writing thing. I mean, who wouldn't be? It pays pretty well, especially once you've gotten yourself a good reputation. And if you're doing it for marketing purposes, nothing beats the Bum Marketing method for article writing. The problem is, in order to really make a lot of money writing articles, you have to write a lot of articles. This can lead to burnout very fast. Well, in this article, I'm going to give you a few tips to help you avoid burnout. I think you'll find these helpful.

Probably the best way to avoid burnout is to pace yourself. Now, I'm a strange animal. I love to work and I love to get all my work done as soon as possible. So if I have to write 10 articles in a day, I'll do them first thing in the morning, one right after the other. Takes me about 2.5 hours to write 10 articles. But some people would go nuts if they had to do that. So what I suggest is spreading those articles out over the course of your day. Do 3 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon and 4 at night, or however you want to work it. If you're more a morning person, do 4 in the morning. This will help avoid burnout.

Another great tip is to not write about the same topic for all your articles. I usually will only write one article a day on a particular topic. That way I don't get bored, which can also lead to burnout. I might write one article on copywriting, one on home business, one on article writing, one on Internet marketing, one on pay per click advertising and so on. That way, it keeps my day fresh. There is nothing worse than having to write 10 articles on one subject, no matter how much you love the subject.

Finally, if you want to avoid burnout, I suggest working in a calm and relaxed environment. The worst thing in the world is working where you're stressed. If you're home alone, this is no big deal. I hope you're relaxed in your own home. But what if you've got a bunch of little kids running around? That can be really stressful when you're trying to concentrate. In that case, I suggest making your own private office somewhere in the house where you won't be disturbed. This will work wonders.

If you follow these three simple tips, you should have no problem avoiding burnout from your article writing.

To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim

Want to write articles that get people's attention and can earn you up to $200 per article written? Then check out my Complete Article Writing And Marketing Guide that you can find at - This is my own book that I wrote from over 30 years of writing experience.

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